Friday, August 29, 2008

Teh War on BEARS!!!!!

McBush picks a polar-bear hating creationist for his VEEP.

What kind of an asshole hates Knut?


zoe said...

He just handed you a gift. Wonderful material there.

Anonymous said...

"As the head of Alaska's National Guard and as the mother of a soldier herself," the statement said, "Gov. Palin understands what it takes to lead our nation and she understands the importance of supporting our troops."

The campaign put out a statement saying what McCain did not: "She is ready to be president."

Well, thank you McCain et al for letting me know that. I will sleep soundly at night knowing she already has commander-in-chief experience and can step in (over the bodies of dead polar bears) if the old coot keels over. The Alaska National Guard? What is that, like 7 or 8 people????

Dear Canada, please grant us sanctuary in the event small minds succeed in this critical race. Would it be okay if we bring the Statue of Liberty with us?

Anonymous said...

Saw you over at Swampland, 4LG.

Palin is pro-pork, too.

Hates polar bears, luvs pork.


Anonymous said...
