Only watched 5 minutes or so. That's literally all I could take. Wish that Obama had pointed out to that greedy fuck Charlie Gibson that when the capital gains tax was at its highest rate (late 50s-early 60s), America was at its most prosperous.
That "debate" was a travesty. The country is falling apart, and Chuckles and Snuffy are asking about flag pins and bitterness? How do we rid ourselves of such media morons? Oh, and Obama was the only grownup in the room.
fuck him and the horse he rode in on. clinton tool.
I'm so sick of her and all her enablers.
As bad as ABC was, she was worse. No matter what crap they shoveled out, she just smiled like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth and agreed with them.
Only watched 5 minutes or so. That's literally all I could take. Wish that Obama had pointed out to that greedy fuck Charlie Gibson that when the capital gains tax was at its highest rate (late 50s-early 60s), America was at its most prosperous.
That "debate" was a travesty. The country is falling apart, and Chuckles and Snuffy are asking about flag pins and bitterness? How do we rid ourselves of such media morons? Oh, and Obama was the only grownup in the room.
She not only smiled and agreed, she piled on
ABC dooz it wrong!! Everybody dooz debate wrong!! I can haz real debates?!!
Shorten the whole hopeless/useless process to two months and give us the other 22 off.
He looks like the Stepford Pundit.
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